
Showing posts from October, 2022


PSYCHIATRY DUTY : Saw different patients and learned how to get to Provisional diagnosis in first few minutes of conversation  1. Schizophrenia  2.OCD 3.ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE SYNDROME  4. TOBBACO DEPENDENCE SYNDROME  5. ANXIETY DISORDER  Went for DAC  During ICU and ward Duties  -Vitals , GRBS, Temperature monitoring of ICU and AMC patients - Sent venous and abg samples for investigations  -Done CPR for intubated patients - Inserted ryles tube for a female patient -Inserted Foley's catheter for a male patient  -Tried to insert Foley's catheter for female patient  - Monitored platelet transfusion  During nephro duty  - Has done ascites tap to an male patient with gross ascites and umbilical hernia with ascitic fluid as content - Monitored patient vitals for every 30mins who are undergoing dialysis  Checked if all dialysis patients were taking there medication on time  - Managed bp fluctuations of patients During dialysis under the supervision of Dr.sashikala(pgy3) Dr.nishitha(pgy1)